Categories: State

GOP Debate: 5 Most Important Talking Points

The 2015 GOP Presidential Debate is upon us. Here are the 5 most important topics the candidates will discuss in Thursday night’s debate:

1. Planned Parenthood -There may not be a hotter topic then the future funding of Planned Parenthood. Some of these men running for president feel that the organization should be defunded. GOP front runner Donald Trump was the first to suggest the possibility of a government shutdown to stop any further funding to Planned Parenthood.

2. Immigration -The 10 candidates can thank Donald Trump for putting this much higher on the list then it might have been otherwise. For some this could be very well the defining issue.

We should see a good battle between those who favor some degree of amnesty versus those who would prefer a more tighter immigration plan.

3. Iran Nuclear Deal – No question that Congress would love to kill this deal before it ever happens. The question becomes how the candidates will handle this very hot issue. What, if anything, do they have as a replacement for the Iranian deal?

This question will no doubt morph into a discussion over every aspect of President Obama’s foreign policy initiatives.

4. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) – If you repeal the law how then do you best either fix it or replace it?

This could also be an interesting battle because New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich took Medicaid expansion money for their states and were criticized by the more conservative members of the Republican party for advancing Obamacare.

5. The Economy – How best do you do you create jobs and stimulate the economy? Undoubtedly we will hear about trade and how the United States can better negotiate existing trade deals. The parties mantra remains, better trade deals = more American jobs.

There could be a discussion about the minimum wage at this juncture. But it remains to be seen how deep into this topic The candidates will be able to speak. Look for plenty of general ideas to be shared but little substance at this point.

A bonus question – How each candidate can beat Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton.

You can’t have a debate without each candidate taking a shot at the other party. Look for each man to get at least one or two good shots in on Hillary Clinton.

For a list of all the candidates and how to watch the debate click here.

Gabriella Reina:
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