Categories: Florida

Video: DNA Ties Boston Strangler To 49-Year-Old Murder

BOSTON — Almost 50 years after the Boston Strangler murders of 11 women terrified the city, prosecutors on Thursday said new DNA evidence linked a man who confessed to the killings but never was convicted to the last of the homicides.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/kzoPfLMrNeE”]

But even as they said the new evidence suggests that Albert DeSalvo — who confessed to the crimes while serving an unrelated prison sentence — killed 19-year-old Mary Sullivan, they warned that the full string of murders might never be solved.

“These developments bear only on Mary Sullivan’s murder. They don’t apply to the other 10 homicides popularly attributed to the Boston Strangler,” said Suffolk Country District Attorney Daniel Conley. “Even among experts and law enforcement officials there is disagreement to this day about whether they were in fact committed by the same person.”

The evidence came from DNA extracted from a water bottle that one of DeSalvo’s nephews had drunk from. It showed a strong family link to DNA recovered from the scene where Sullivan was raped and killed in January 1964.


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News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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