Categories: Florida

Dachshund Back Home For The Holidays

TAMPA, Florida (AP) – No one knows how exactly how Addison the dachshund got from Kansas City to Florida recently, but at least she’ll be home for Christmas.

When the affectionate, plump wiener dog arrived at animal services in Tampa this month, workers suspected she’d come from a loving home. A scan of her implanted microchip revealed she belongs to a family in Kansas City.

Local dachshund lovers stepped in to help get her home. An elementary school teacher donated her frequent-flier miles and bought a seat on an airplane for the dog and herself. They flew out Monday.

Addison’s family adopted her when she was a puppy. No one seems to know how she got to Florida, but animal services workers suspect she was living with someone here until she got lost.

News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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