Categories: Florida

Casey Anthony Posts YouTube Video

Casey Anthony is talking and not to one of the big three networks or film makers, instead she’s talking to you on You Tube.

Anthony, now blond with chin length hair and glasses, recorded the video October 13th, and talks about how things have changed since July when she was released from jail.

She talks about her life in exile and about how excited she is to use a video log. She mentions that she adopted a dog and that she has a new computer with a webcam and that she expects to post more videos and Skype.  She talks about being lonely and that the webcam was a gift from someone who has become her friend…but one thing she doesn’t mention is her daughter.

Anthony spent three years in jail in Orlando before being found not guilty of killing her daughter Caylee.

You can watch the video here:


News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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