Democratic Activist Calls Parents’ Lawsuit Against School Over Sexual Assault Allegations A ‘Witch Hunt’

Democrats could be coming to Miami AP/PHOTO.

Kendall Tietz 

A Democratic activist told Loudoun County conservative parents that they are part of a “witch hunt” during a press conference condemning the district’s recent handling of sexual assault allegations within its high schools, Fox News reported Thursday.

At the press conference, Ian Prior, executive director of Fight For Schools and former Trump administration official, called on the superintendent to resign and asked the Justice Department to begin a Title IX investigation into its handling of the sexual assault allegations, Fox News reported.

Parents and community members have demanded that Superintendent Scott Ziegler and other school board members resign over allegations that the district and its leadership covered up two sexual assaults on two separate school campuses, the Daily Wire originally reported.

The activist interjected Prior’s speech with questions like “Why would you assume that?” to which Prior responded, “You’re here to defend this?”

“Yes,” she replied, leading some conservatives to retort “You are disgusting.”

The woman clarified that she was “saying that they [the allegations] deserve an investigation, and that this shouldn’t be a witch hunt. You don’t know what the facts are. No one does.”

The woman said she was with the Loudoun County Democratic Committee (LCDC), but later clarified to Fox News that while she was a member of LCDC, she was attending the event in her own capacity.

“And there was a lot of assumptions being made which is what we feared is that, you know, we don’t have the facts yet because the police report’s not available… You’re actually threatening the investigation by making this kind of circus around it,” the woman told Fox News.

Fight for Schools is “focused on electing common sense candidates that commit to policies that support equal opportunity, tolerance, meritocracy and achievement,” according to its website.

Prior told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the organization “will work with anyone from any party to ensure that our children are safe when they go to school.”

“It is unfortunate that parents have been the ones leading the charge and demanding answers, while the local Democrat party just wants to send disruptors to defend a school system that has completely neglected its duties to put safety before political agendas,” Prior added.

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News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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