China Conducted ‘Combat Readiness Patrol’ During US Lawmakers’ Trip To Taiwan

Jennie Taer

China’s military conducted an exercise over Taiwan Friday during a surprise visit by U.S. lawmakers.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s Eastern Theatre Command said it “organised naval and air forces to continue combat readiness police patrols in direction of the Taiwan Strait,” according to Reuters.

The bipartisan Congressional delegation traveled to Taiwan, despite warnings from China. The group quietly made the trip after serving Thanksgiving meals to U.S. troops stationed in South Korea.

The Chines military said that “relevant actions are necessary to deal with the current situation in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan is part of China’s territory, and defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity is our military’s sacred mission.”

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry reported that 8 Chinese aircraft flew into its airspace.

China insists that Taiwan is part of its territory, and has increased its show of force around the country in recent months.

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