30 minutes or less: Amazon reveals plans to use drones for delivery

Amazon founder (and now Washington Post owner) Jeff Bezos is causing quite the internet stir on Cyber Monday with the news that his company is planning to use drones to deliver packages.

The revelation came during a segment on the news show 60 Minutes, when Bezos showed correspondent Charlie Rose a video of a drone dubbed Prime Air delivering a package to a doorstep and then flying off again.

As an incredulous Rose looked on, Bezos said, “I know this looks like science fiction. It’s not.” The goal is to get the order in the public’s hands in as little as 30 minutes, Bezos said. With so many Amazon delivery centers now near urban areas, like the one being built in Hillsborough County, he said the idea isn’t too logistically impossible.

For more on this story visit: Tampa Bay Times

News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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