Global Markets Meltdown on Recession Fears

With no solution in sight for Europe and new fears of a global recession, investors dumped stocks and commodities and…

News Talk Florida

Genesis Communications Radio Store

Visit the Genesis Radio Store for discounted Eton Radios, among other great products.  You can't beat these deals.

News Talk Florida

Gov. Scott to jobs agency: Get rid of employees

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Gov. Rick Scott is demanding that a Central Florida jobs agency get rid of its top…

News Talk Florida

University of Florida sued over public records

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — The Sierra Club is suing the University of Florida, seeking public records on urban fertilizer regulations.…

News Talk Florida

Senator Marco Rubio speech on debt ceiling

On the Senate Floor Sen. Rubio discusses the debt and engages in a debate with Sen. John Kerry.

News Talk Florida

Senator Marco Rubio’s Maiden Floor Speech

Senator Marco Rubio delivers his maiden speech on the floor of the United States Senate.

News Talk Florida

President Obama Salutes the People of Libya

In a high-level meeting at the UN General Assembly, the President vows the new country has a friend in the…

News Talk Florida

BP oil not degrading on Gulf floor

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — Tar balls washed onto Gulf of Mexico beaches by Tropical Storm Lee earlier this month show…

News Talk Florida

$3 Trillion in US deficit reduction plan

President Obama tried to "go big" in proposing deficit reduction worth roughly $3 trillion over the next decade – more…

News Talk Florida

John Boehner is powerful politician, simple guy

The most powerful Republican in America mows his own lawn, had youthful aspirations of becoming a salesman and quietly convinced…

News Talk Florida