Tampa’s Panhandling Ban Signed Into Law

Panhandling law goes into effect November 1st

News Talk Florida

Lightning Win Against NY Islanders

Thursday's victory is 4 - 1

News Talk Florida

Judge Expected to Rule On Execution

Oba Chandler killed three tourists in 1989

News Talk Florida

Panhandling Becoming Illegal in Tampa Bay

The Tampa city council approved a six-day ban on panhandling and Mayor Buckhorn will sign off on the legislation

News Talk Florida

‘Occupy’ Protesters and Police Not Happy

Protesters want to take issue to City Council

News Talk Florida

Scott to Make Job Announcement in St Pete

Average job to pay $120,000

News Talk Florida

Libya Confirms Gadhafi Has Been Killed

A U.S. official says Libya's new government has told the United States that Moammar Gadhafi is dead

News Talk Florida

New iPhone 4S has security issue

There is a fix

News Talk Florida

Could Tampa Lose The Rays?

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer says he'd like to talk about the Rays relocating to Orlando.

News Talk Florida

Herman Cain’s connection to Floirda

Is his campagin ready for him to become President

News Talk Florida