Man Gets 30 Years for Child Porn

Former Brandon High School guidance counselor had more than 250,000 child porn images and videos

News Talk Florida

Driver in Fatal Crash also Blacked Out in 2007

Driver that hit and killed Plant High Teacher lost consciousness behind wheel before

News Talk Florida

Power Bills to Go Up in Tampa Bay

Progress Energy got approval Monday to charge customers in advance for new nuclear power

News Talk Florida

Fire in St. Petersburg on 2nd Avenue South

Firefighters reported seeing flames shooting through the roof of the home when they arrived at the scene

News Talk Florida

No More Drug Tests for Welfare Recipents

Judge halts Florida's drug tests for welfare recipients

News Talk Florida

Tax Breaks for Companies With Jobs

Florida has given tax breaks and other cash incentives to some of the world's biggest companies in return for creating…

News Talk Florida

Lindsay Lohan’s Father Arrested

Michael Lohan has been booked into Hillsborough County Jail on domestic violence battery charges

News Talk Florida

Judge Rejects Inmate Oba Chandler’s Appeal

A state circuit court judge has rejected an appeal from an inmate scheduled to be executed next month

News Talk Florida

Rina Becomes Hurricane Sooner Than Expected

NOAA's National Hurricane Center has issued an advisory that Tropical Storm Rina has become a hurricane today

News Talk Florida

Florida Power Customers Will Pay More

The Public Service Commission approve rate increase.

News Talk Florida